Animal Shelter: Art Sex Literature: Issue 3 | Fall 2013
Editor: Hedi El Kholti
Publisher: Semiotext(e) (2013)
Fleeting, ephemeral, nondigital, and nonhierarchical, Animal Shelter is, as Alex Gartenfeld wrote in Interview, “a loose collection of texts, sequenced like a mixtape,” focused yet eclectic. Animal Shelter 2 (2012) evoked a world drifting in limbo. Issue 3 seeks the roots of our present malaise by moving out to places usually considered ‘obscure’ or ‘exotic’: Argentina, the West Indies, Mali, rural Florida. Animal Shelter 3 features fiction, philosophy, poetry, analysis, and interviews, with an accent on archival documents.
In this issue: A short story by Tisa Bryant on the afterlife of Antiguan slavery. A short story by Michael Carroll on sex & languor in Key West. Jean Eustache in conversation with Wade Novy. Pierre Guyotat on childhood, pubescence, poetry. A short story and collage by Richard Hawkins. Guy Hocquenghem on the imperialism of the couple. An unpublished Cookie Mueller short story. Grace Ndritu on responsible tourism. A short story by Dalia Rossetti on jailhouse tattoos. A poem by Heathcote Williams on Otto Muehl and animal liberation.
Other contributors include: Melissa Barrett, Robert Dewhurst, Tony Duvert, Iris Klein, Fernanda Laguna, Lodovico Pignatti Morano, Jean-Jacques Schuhl, and Noura Wedell
Artists: Gary Lee Boas, Shannon Durbin, Matt Fishbeck, Kathryn Garcia, Mim Goodman, Peter Hujar, Eli Langer, Tracy Nakayama, Grace Ndiritu, Warren Neidich, A. L. Steiner, and others