The Little Door Slides Back
Author: Jeff Clark
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2004)
"Jeff Clark's poems . . . marry the stoned reveries of our postmodern era with the symbolist bliss of a previous one . . . In meticulously crafted verse and prose poems, The Little Door Slides Back offers the reader glimpses of a shadow world, seen by a visionary who has a clear strategy for depicting them."
–Rain Taxi
"A 120-page spell . . . This is a beautiful work whose accuracy edges on the uncanny. Within, among, and around it all is presence, an almost hallucinogenic immediacy in which everything is seen and is in turn seeing."
–Cole Swenson
"Clark integrates fin-de-siècle richness, hallucinatory vision, and a gothicism extracted from the bleak cul-de-sacs of postmodern life . . . constructing a flaneur who is both terrified and bemused by the world he enters as 'the little door slides back.'"
–John Yau