The Poetry Beat: Reviewing the Eighties

The Poetry Beat: Reviewing the Eighties

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Author: Tom Clark

Publisher: University of Michigan Press (1990)

Collects poetry reviews by Clark spanning the 1980s. Authors reviewed include Ginsberg, Ashbery, Duncan, Plath, Rilke, Frost, Neruda, Notley, and many others.

Clark combined diverse roles of poet, biographer, novelist, dramatist, reviewer, and sportswriter during his writing career. While in England, he hitchhiked around the country with Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, and gave readings and associated with other writers such as Robert Graves, Gregory Corso, Andrei Voznesensky, and Adrian Mitchell. For ten years, starting in 1963, after being recommended to publisher George Plimpton by his former teacher, poet Donald Hall, Clark served as poetry editor of the Paris Review.