Invalid Format: An Anthology of Triple Canopy Vol. 3
Publisher: Triple Canopy & Steinberg Press (2014)
Invalid Format is an archive of the widespread activities of Triple Canopy, the New York–based magazine and publisher. The book translates into print work that originally appeared in other forms. The third volume of Invalid Format includes artist projects and literary work published online in the third and fourth years of Triple Canopy’s existence, as well as documentation of public programs. In form and content, the book explores how works produced for the screen and live settings might be transposed to the codex in a way that recalls former contexts while also fully inhabiting the page.
[Volume 3] includes contributions by Michael Almereyda, Kurt Beals, Mel Bochner, Daniel Bozhkov, Paul Chan, Joshua Cohen, Jordan Crandall, Simon Critchley, Moyra Davey, Roe Ethridge, Ellie Ga, Daniel Gordon, Vivian Gornick, David Graeber, Group Theory, Joseph McElroy, Tom McCarthy, Matt Mullican, Ken Okiishi, Eve Sussman, Lynne Tillman, and McKenzie Wark, among others.