The Adventures of Jane Sawyer
Authors: Mark Twain and William Bott
Publisher: Orange Hat Publishing (2019)
With a replica of Mark Twain's original cover.
Why should boys have all the fun? This is Tom Sawyer for girls. Join Jane Sawyer and her friends Joy, Berry, and Edward in Mark Twain's classic reimagined. No childhood is complete without reading these adventures, but this time, girls run the show. It's all here: the confidence, the mischief, the fears, and the bravery. In essence, the highs and lows of childhood. This retelling opens Twain's classic to a wider audience than ever before while keeping the authenticity of the original masterpiece.
"A long overdue novel that unexpectedly takes nineteenth century girls away from demurely socializing in the living room to wildly running outdoors, from quietly studying in school to wreaking havoc across town, from begrudgingly performing house chores to having the most amazing adventures of their lives!"
–Paula Nameth, librarian at Milwaukee Public Library