Apropos of nothing / A propósito de nada
Publisher: Wendy's Subway (2017)
Contributors: Ricardo Alzati, Shane Anderson, AVANT.org, Sam Berman, Anne Boyer, Marco Braunschweiler, Francesca Capone (with Cole Swenson), Kevin Cassem, Santiago Da Silva, Shezad Dawood, Ted Dodson, Ian Dreiblatt, Charles Eppley, Gabriel Escalante Davila, Ian Erickson-Kery, Juan Francisco Maldonado, Aaron Gemmill, Zanna Gilbert, Myranda Gillies, Sam Gordon, Kayla Guthrie, Dominique Hurth, Gabriela Jáureguí. Carolyn Lazard, Sophia Le Fraga, LL, LLC, Los Angeles Contemporary Archive (LACA), Arthur Holland Michel, Carolina Mikalef, Nuria Montiel, Marco Montiel-Soto, Rick Myers, Newspaper Reading Club (Fiona Connor & Michala Paludan), Tyler Polich and Hannah Wilentz, Gabriel Rosas Alemán, Alice Sant’Anna, Paola Santoscoy, Jorge Scobell, Daniela Seel, Josephine Shokrian, J. Soto, Martine Syms, Masha Tupitsyn, Rachael M. Wilson, Nathaniel Wolfson, Jessica Wozny, and C. Spencer Yeh
In developing subject—or action-specific, idiosyncratic book pairings, this collaboration reflects the resonances from one library to another, and from book to the next, and envisions the library as a space for social and artistic practice. Over 50 artists, writers, curators, publishers, and readers based in Mexico City, New York, and elsewhere, were invited to contribute interventions and responses to the library collection. These responses took the form of texts, visual work, ephemera, additions to the catalogue, temporary loans of archival materials, curated playlists, and instructions for actions or modes of reading to take place at the fair, and were presented in a series of pamphlets published in an edition of one. A program of performances and micro-lectures by contributors was staged at NADA as part of the fair’s Special Projects. At NADA, the Reading Room and its temporary collection provided a haven of non-commercial activity within the bustle of a commercial art fair, inverting the logic of the site.
Edition of 500