A Teaching Summer / Hieroglyphics Then and Now
A Teaching Summer / Hieroglyphics Then and Now

A Teaching Summer / Hieroglyphics Then and Now

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Author: Kimberly Alidio / rachelle rahmé

Publisher: Spiral Editions (2024)

Dos à dos chap authored by Kimberly Alidio and rachelle rahmé.

Tipped in print of Claes Braau's 1705 engraving of "Dool-hoff," depicting a didactic maze of verse in a maze leading to utopia: "a byzantine journey through the labyrinth of the world toward a paradise of the heart."

Kimberly Alidio wrote "A Teaching Summer" on one side. rachelle rahmé wrote "Hieroglyphics Then and Now" on the other side. 5" x 4.25," each side 32pp, bound with red Irish linen thread. Design by Ryan Skrabalak. Covers set with Goudy and Palatino directly on the press bed, then printed on a Vandercook I proof press. Printed, assembled, and bound in “Kingston, New York,” the unceded and currently occupied lands of the Haudenosaunee, Mohican, Munsee Lenape, and Schaghticoke tribes. Printed in a limited edition of 100 copies.