Native Voices: Indigenous American Poetry, Craft and Conversations
Editors: Cmarie Fuhrman and Dean Rader
Publisher: Tupelo Press (2019)
In this groundbreaking anthology of Indigenous poetry and prose, Native poems, stories, and essays are informed with a knowledge of both what has been lost and what is being restored. It presents a diverse collection of stories told by Indigenous writers about themselves, their histories, and their present. It is a celebration of culture and the possibilities of language, in conversation with those poets and storytellers who have paved the way. A truly synergetic collection of contemporary and early Native voices.
Featuring forty-four poets, including Ishmael Hope, Bojan Louis, Ruby Murray, Simon Ortiz, Leslie Marmon Silko, Luci Tapahonso, Joy Harjo, dg okpik, Sherwin Bitsui, Heid E. Erdrich, Layli Long Soldier, Craig Santos Perez, Diane Glancy, Louise Erdrich, Suzanne Rancourt, LeAnne Howe, M. L. Smoker, Allison Hedge Coke, and Orlando White.