Tribal Journey
Author: Gary Robinson
Publisher: 7th Generation (2013)
Jason's lucky to be alive, but life in a wheelchair was not in his plans. Even when he was protecting his mom and siblings from his drunken father or escaping from home to be with his friends, he never imagined his future in a wheelchair.
When reading a text message while driving, he is in a car accident that leaves him with a paralyzed leg. Jason sees himself only as a kid who will always be paralyzed, but when he becomes part of the Raven Canoe Family and learns to "pull" a canoe, his outlook on life begins to change.
After completing a two-week tribal canoe journey with his Duwamish tribal members, Jason is proud to be a Coast Salish Indian. From the hardships and camaraderie of the journey, he gains a new sense of courage and determination to someday swim and walk again.