Small-Press Bundle: Three New Titles Every Month
Small-Press Bundle: Three New Titles Every Month
Small-Press Bundle: Three New Titles Every Month

Small-Press Bundle: Three New Titles Every Month

Regular price $60.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Join Woodland Pattern's subscription program and help us make large, sustaining purchases from poetry publishers! Each month, you will receive THREE small-press poetry titles, curated by our staff, packed with love, and delivered to your home. (In addition to receiving a discount on the bundle, subscribers get free shipping!)

Sign up by March 15th to receive the April bundle described below!


We’re thrilled to present our April bundle with titles from three more brilliant small presses: Golias Books; Primary Information; and Ugly Duckling Presse.

From Golias Books you’ll receive Matt Longabucco’s Heroic Dose (2022), a book David Larsen wonderfully describes “as a work of wisdom literature disguised as auto-antagonism, expounded unto Capital in a truth-telling key.” To quote its title poem: “poetry: a life lived backwards / you learn a craft before you need it / only later will you realize / you can’t stand the way people live.” 

It’s such a pleasure to be sending you N.H. Pritchard’s The Mundus, the previously unpublished work of the important experimental Black Arts poet which Primary Information brought out just this last year. To cite the book description at length: “The Mundus is Norman Pritchard’s magnum opus, a mysterious work that is both visual and poetic, literary and mystical. The work was composed between 1965 until at least July 1971, a six-year period during which the author refined and reworked its pages, seeking out new literary forms alongside personal transcendence.”

From Ugly Duckling Presse, a small Brooklyn-based press who’ve published over 400 titles in the last twenty or so years, you’ll receive Zahra Patterson’s Chronology (2018), an exceptional and stimulating “collage of images and documents, folding on words-that-follow-no-chronology, unveiling layers of meaning of queering love, friendship, death, and power.”


Our incentive for starting this program is to offer assistance to publishers affected by Small Press Distribution's recent and sudden closure. You can learn more about the crisis and get updates on how to help small presses from CLMP (Community of Literary Magazines and Presses). Thank you for helping us support the small-press ecosystem from which new voices in American poetry most frequently emerge!


Past Bundles


Shanna Compton, (CREATURE SOUNDS FADE) (Black Lawrence Press, 2020)
Jordan Dunn, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action (Partly Press, 2022)
Pattie McCarthy, wifthing (Apogee Press, 2021)


Kai Ihns, Of (The Elephants, 2024)
Vi Khi Nao, Fish Carcass (Black Sun Lit, 2022)
Ed Roberson, MPH and Other Road Poems (Verge Books, 2021)


Ryan Eckes, Wrong Heaven Again (Birds LLC, 2024)
Mita Mahato, Arctic Play (The 3rd Thing, 2024)
Jennifer Soong, Comeback Death (Krupskaya Books, 2024) 


Ashna Ali, The Relativity of Living Well (Bone Bouquet, 2024)
Jed Munson, Commentary on the Birds (Rescue Press, 2023)
Nawal Nader-French, a record of how the mother’s textile became sound (Noemi Press, 2023)


Ahmad Almallah,
Border Wisdom (Winter Editions, 2023)
Marcela Durand, To husband is to tender (Black Square Editions, 2021)
Rodrigo Quijano, An Inherent Tear (Wendy’s Subway, 2024)


Henry Dumas
, Knees of A Natural Man (Flood Editions, 2020)
Lyn Hejinian, Positions of the Sun (Belladonna*, 2018)
Afrizal Malna, Document Shredding Museum (World Poetry Books, 2024)


Anaïs Duplan,
I Need Music (Action Books, 2021)
Paul Killebrew, Impersonal Rainbow & The Bisexual Purge (Canarium Books, 2023)
Precious Okoyomon, But Did You Die? (Wonder, 2024)


최Lindsay, Transverse (Futurepoem, 2021)
Jennifer Elise Foerster, The Maybe-Bird (The Song Cave, 2022)
Alice Notley, Early Works (Fonograf Editions, 2023)


Safaa Fathy, Where Not to Be Born (Litmus Press, 2024)
Bhanu Kapil, Incubation: A Space for Monsters (Kelsey Street Press, 2024)
Hannah Weiner, Hannah Weiner's Open House (Kenning Editions, 2006)