Maryanne Amacher: Selected Writings and Interviews (Hardcover)
Artist and Author: Maryanne Amacher
Editors: Amy Cimini and Bill Dietz
Publisher: Blank Forms Editions (2021)
Maryanne Amacher (1938-2009) was a composer of large-scale fixed-duration sound installations and a highly original thinker in the areas of perception, sound spatialization and aural architecture. She is frequently cited as a pioneer of what has come to be called “sound art,” although her thought and work challenges assumptions about the limitations of that genre.
Maryanne Amacher: Selected Writings and Interviews represents the first ever book-length collection devoted to the composer, whose life and work are as vast as they are as yet unknown. From personal notes and letters to program notes, manifestos and unrealized project proposals, the documents are framed by longer interviews with Amacher that discuss corresponding periods of her life. Because Amacher worked across nearly every imaginable media format, this book will be of tremendous interest to theorists and practitioners in media and communications, urban design, contemporary art history, music studies, sound studies, film, radio, art criticism and performance studies.