Walk a Little Differently Up Hill
Author: James Liddy
Publisher: Adjunct Press (2023)
James Liddy was born in Dublin in 1934. After briefly practicing law, he turned to a life of poetry. He moved to San Francisco in 1967. Along with Jim Chapson, he moved to Milwaukee in 1976, where he was a pillar of the poetry community. He passed away on November 5, 2008 following a short illness.
Walk a Little Differently Up Hill collects 11 poems and 8 letters of James Liddy, compiled from personal letters sent to Tyler Farrell. This collection shows the connection between Liddy’s poetry and his personal correspondences. The poems’ first distribution is through friends. The accompanied letters carry a poetic nature that removes the border between them and the poems themselves.
This book was laser printed at The Bindery in Milwaukee, and hand-bound in St Francis, WI in an edition of 50. The text pages are 20lb recycled copy paper and the covers are 80lb Wausau Royal Laid cover stock. The cover was designed using details from a poster titled, “Dublin: The years of medieval growth.” The poster hung in the studio of poet Liam O’Connor, a long-time friend and collaborator of James Liddy.