The Last 4 Things
Author: Kate Greenstreet
Publisher: Ahsahta Press (2009)
What happens when a person loses hope and yet still has the urge to make a photograph or draw with a stick in the dirt? Kate Greenstreet would like you to read this book as if you had found it left behind on the empty bus seat next to you––a document not directly addressing the question "Why do we make art," but one that notices that one does make art, despite conditions, and that one would regardless. The Last 4 Things comes with a DVD of two movies created by the author.
"A poem is made by composition, by putting things together, and when you read this book your hands tingle. The Last 4 Things brings craftsmanship to reverie; it turns dreaming into meaningful work. It is a serious approach to the grammar of our emotions and you do well to read it with your hands."
–Thomas Basboll