No, Dear | Issue 24 BORDER
Editors: alex cuff, Leila Ortiz, & xtian w
Publisher: No, Dear
Contributors: Sara Deniz Akant, Erika Apupalo, jonathan burkhalter, Jacqui Cornetta, Alejandro Heredia, Chanice Hughes-Greenberg, Katie Martin, Tori Ashley Matos, Denise Milstein, m/ryan murphy, Amatan Noor, Allyson Paty, Samira Sadeque, Claire Shang, Natalie Stamatopoulos, Rebecca Teich, and Emma Wippermann
About: No, Dear aims to bring together the voices of New York City poets who might not otherwise be in dialogue: both emerging and established poets from diverse backgrounds who are living and writing in New York City’s five boroughs. We aspire to disrupt a field that has historically privileged white patriarchal perspectives by building a publication and communal/critical dialogue that strives to be largely representative of women-identified poets, and poets of color and of all gender orientations.