Please Add to This List: Teaching Bernadette Mayer's Sonnets & Experiments
Editor: Katy Bohinc
Publisher: Tender Buttons Press (2014)
Contributors: Bernadette Mayer, Shanna Compton, Brenda Coultas, Dodie Bellamy, Carole Wagner Greenwood, Jen Hofer, Sophie Seita, Hoa Nguyen, Julie Patton, Kyra Lunenfeld, Sandra Simonds, Stacy Szymaszek, Linda Kozloff-Turner, Maureen Thorson, Lee Ann Brown, Jennifer Karmin, Jan Bohinc, Laynie Browne, and Laura Henriksen
25 years ago Bernadette Mayer's Sonnets were published in a run of 1,000 copies and quickly went out of print. Sonnets continues to be loved and taught as an underground classic, often on sun-bleached photocopy. Finally, in 2014, Tender Buttons Press has brought out an expanded 25th Anniversary Edition of Sonnets, along with this companion teaching guide. Included are the first review of Sonnets from Poetry Flash, an expanded version of Bernadette Mayer's List of Experiments, and a sampling of responses in answer to her call: "Please add to this list." Now even more poets, students, parents, scholars, pets and aliens can write poems after reading Bernadette Mayer's Experiments.