The Words: After Carl Sandburg's Rootabaga Stories and Jean-Paul Sartre
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Author: Carla Harryman
Publisher: O Books (1999)
"In The Words, Harryman playfully examines the family, the suburbs, daily life, the position of woman, while boldly undermining notions about character and plot. There's a ferocity to her wit, a cunning to her deconstructions—and always a devotion to language, its elasticity and limits. I admire Harryman's rare mind, its gleeful feminism, broad intelligence and anarchic inventiveness!"
–Lynne Tillman
"At last, children's literature has been liberated, liberated into fiction! Carla Harryman's Words is a fiction in which the mischief is perpetually unnaming names in an ongoing discursive cross-wind beneficial to hybridizing texts. Bold and subversive!"
–Marjorie Welish