Go Home!
Editor: Rowan Hisayo Buchanan
Publisher: The Feminist Press at CUNY (2018)
"Go home!" is always a slur, but often also an impossibility; this collection explores the words' personal and political dimensions. In Go Home!, Asian diasporic writers imagine “home” in the twenty-first century through an array of fiction, memoir, and poetry. Both urgent and meditative, this anthology moves beyond the model-minority myth and showcases the singular intimacies of individuals figuring out what it means to belong.
“The notion of home has always been elusive. But as evidenced in these stories, poems, and testaments, perhaps home is not so much a place, but a feeling one embodies. I read this book and see my people—see us—and feel, in our collective outsiderhood, at home.”
–Ocean Vuong
“There is a whole range of expression in this book, delving deeply into the manifold experiences of being a perpetual alien. To be from nowhere is the state of Asian diaspora, but there is also a wild humor and imagination that comes from being underestimated, rarely counted, hardly seen. Here, we begin to draw the hopeful outlines of a collective history for those so disparate yet often lumped together.”
–Jenny Zhang
“Go Home! is a bold, eclectic chorus that provides an invigorating antidote to the xenophobia of our times.”
–Ruth Ozeki
“This anthology displays the colors of the liminal—half-tones and undertones mixing the wry, the irreverent, the outraged, the lyric, and the longing. A composite portrait of the Asian diasporic experience today.”
–Monica Youn