City Eclogue
Author: Ed Roberson
Publisher: Atelos (2006)
Ed Roberson was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In addition to writing poetry, he has pursued a variety of remarkable interests. He has worked as a limnologist (conducting research on inland and coastal fresh water systems in Alaska's Aleutian Islands and in Bermuda), and for a period he was employed as a diver for the Pittsburgh Aquazoo (training porpoises, among other things). He worked for a period in an advertising graphics agency and in the Pittsburgh steel mills. Twice Ed Roberson was a team member on the Explorers' Club of Pittsburgh's South American Expeditions, in which context he climbed mountains in the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Andes and explored the upper Amazonian jungle in eastern Ecuador. He has motorcycled across the USA, and traveled in Mexico, the Caribbean, and in Nigeria, West Africa. In recent years, he has been employed primarily as a teacher and as an academic administrator, most recently at Rutgers University and at Columbia College in Chicago.