Clean and Well-Lit: Selected Poems 1987-1995
Author: Tom Raworth
Publisher: Roof Books (1996)
Tom Raworth is a native of London, England, however during the seventies he traveled and worked in the United States and Mexico. He returned to England in 1977 to be Resident Poet at King's College in Cambridge where he still resides. Since 1966 he has published more than forty books and pamphlets of poetry, prose, and translation in several countries. His graphic work has been shown in France and Italy and he has collaborated performed with musicians like Steve Lacy and Joelle Leandre, painters like Giovanni D'Agostino and Micaela Henich, and other poets like Franco Beltrametti, Corrado Costa, and Dario Villa. Fellow poet Charles Bernstein stated that "For more than thirty years, Tom Raworth has been at the forefront of English language writing. With the fastest line in the west, Raworth's flickering, disconsolate, syntactically restless, lifting, often angry, almost balletic poems resist habitual thought at every break, rekindling animate social consciousness. There is no better.