Bareback Nightfall
Author: Joshua Escobar
Publisher: Ahsahta (2018)
"Joshua Escobar's Bareback Nightfall is a daring collection that works as a performance art piece acted out on the page for the reader. These poems, set in alternating coasts, written in different voices and across strained dialogue, follow the relationship between DJ Ashtrae and Doctor Electronic. Two larger than life figures that live in the world of cognates and false cognates, a world in code-switch. In the tradition of Rodrigo Toscano's Collapsible Theatre Poetics, Escobar further captures the schizophrenic nature of existing in the liminal space where anything is acceptable from extreme ecstasy to abuses of power. Here is one of our most vital new voices in Latinx Avant-Garde literature."
–Natalie Scenters-Zapico