Life Is a Mean Average, I Hope You Participate
Author: Anonymous
Publisher: Wry Press (2023)
An enigmatic collection of texts which were produced in the mid-to-late 2000s. Their author did not consider them to be either works of literature or art, but rather a kind of occasional “status report”, whose creation took place in a transitional home for individuals who were chronically unhoused or dealing with mental health or drug dependency issues. Regardless of any authorial intentions vis-à-vis art, or no, we find they do in fact exhibit characteristics which illuminate something of the human condition — concerned as they are with various wants & needs, loves & fears, the all-too-familiar struggle to position oneself in the world in relation to others, and the blunt reality of the nature of existence. Despite being practically anti-affirmational, they are nevertheless occasionally possessed with a strange sort of timeless wisdom that belies the ephemeral nature their author had hoped to endow them with. To that end, we have been entrusted with their care, and record them here for posterity.